Office Managers

All Office Managers

Update your computer.


Process and approve as many enrollment online forms, including document review, as possible before you leave for the summer. 

Create a helpdesk ticket for room changes that require new technology such as Chromebook tower installation,TV installations, iPad stand, etc.

Coordinate with the librarian to check-in technology devices into Follett Destiny that have been turned in from staff leaving the district or transferring within the district.

Please reach out to Telli Ervin if there is a unique circumstance or technology questions to assist and establish your campus's next steps.

Elementary Office Managers

Begin work on next year's master schedule. Contact Data Services for assistance or questions.

Gather Chromebook tower keys when turning in room keys from elementary teachers leaving the district or transferring within the district. (if applicable)

Coordinate with the librarian to create a helpdesk ticket for pickup of all technology equipment that has been turned in from staff leaving the district.