Returning Teachers

All NISD Teachers

Update your email signature to reflect your next year's assignment.


Submit Q4 report card grades. 

Store remotes, cables, and Chromebook tower key in a Gallon Ziploc bag in the closet of your classroom.

Update your computer.


Make sure all classroom devices have personal stickers removed and devices have been sanitized properly.  

What can be used to clean the laptops and Chromebooks?

All phones must be left plugged in


Phones are connected to the room number; moving a phone will disrupt the 911 emergency response system.

If there is a reason to relocate the phone, put in a Helpdesk so that technology can move it.

Create a helpdesk request for any classroom:

Turn in any additional technology equipment that has been checked out during the year to the tech room at secondary campuses and to the library at elementary campuses.

Do not reset or archive Canvas, Seesaw, or Google Classroom courses.  

Canvas courses will remain editable through the end of July to prepare content for the next school year.  Instructions will be provided at the beginning of the year for transferring content into the new semester's autorostered courses.

Optional Summer PD

Access the course in Canvas, or enroll here. 

This course is due within 6 months of hire. New Hires, if you haven't already finished this course, be sure to do so before the end of year.

Contact the Teacher Support Specialist for details.

This course is due within 3 years of hire and is offered every Fall, Spring, and Summer. 

Completion during the Summer Cohort credits you 6 flex hours.

Earn flex hours by attending Summer PD. Explore these summer learning opportunities hosted by the Instructional Technology Department!

Elementary Teachers

Secondary Teachers